Learning Flutter part 1

In this series, let together learning flutter dart part 1.

What is Flutter

Flutter is a Google UI toolkit for building, natively compiled applications for mobile, web and desktop from a single codebase.

  • Fast Development
    • with Stateful Hot Reload helps Paint your app to life in milliseconds. realtime!
  • Expressive and Flexible UI
    • The layered architecture allows for full customization, which results in incredibly fast rendering and expressive and flexible designs.
  • Native performance
    • Full native performance on both IOS and Android.

Flutter System Overview

Learning Flutter

Architectural Overview Platform channels

Learning Flutter

Why flutter use Dart?

Flutter is a Framework. It uses Dart to build a layer Framework.

  • Support build, compile AOT(Ahead Of Time) and JIT(Just In Time).
  • OOP Language.
  • Flutter aims to provide 60 frames per second fps performance.

JIT and AOT work

Learning Flutter

How does Dart work?

Learning Flutter

Dart programming language basic

  • Dart is a programming language OOP ( Example: null, functions, number… is Object ).
  • All Objects inherits from the Object Dart class.
  • Support Generic types. For example, List
  • There are no keywords public, protected and private.
  • Dart is programming language strongly typed but type annotation is optional. For example, var number = 30 -> number = int )

Install the Dart SDK

Link here: https://dart.dev/get-dart

I will use IntelliJIDEA to code :). Link here

Add plugin Dart for IntelliJIDEA

Choice Configure –> Plugins.

Click Marketplace –> search dart —> click Installed.

Create a New Project for Dart

Select Dart –> Console Application – a Command-line application sample.

For example, Project name: Dart-Study and Project location as the picture below

Now we will code hello with a dart programming language 🙂

void main(){
  print("Hello, I am Dart");


Through the article, we learn “Learning Flutter dart part 1” as above. I hope will this your helpful. Thank you for reading the DevopsRoles page!

About HuuPV

My name is Huu. I love technology, especially Devops Skill such as Docker, vagrant, git, and so forth. I like open-sources, so I created DevopsRoles.com to share the knowledge I have acquired. My Job: IT system administrator. Hobbies: summoners war game, gossip.
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