How to Fix Jenkins OutOfMemoryError: A Step-by-Step Guide


Jenkins is one of the most popular open-source automation servers used for building, testing, and deploying code. However, users frequently encounter the Jenkins OutOfMemoryError when Jenkins exceeds the allocated memory, causing it to crash or slow down. This error can disrupt your continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline, making it crucial to find effective solutions.

In this article, we’ll explore the common causes of the Jenkins OutOfMemoryError, from basic memory limitations to more complex memory leaks. We’ll also walk through step-by-step solutions, from simple fixes to advanced configurations, to keep Jenkins running smoothly.

What is Jenkins OutOfMemoryError?

The Jenkins OutOfMemoryError occurs when the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) running Jenkins runs out of allocated memory. This can result in Jenkins becoming unresponsive, crashing, or performing slowly. Typical error messages look like:

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

This error means Jenkins has consumed all the memory allocated to the JVM, leading to system instability. The primary cause of this error is insufficient memory or inefficient memory usage within the Jenkins environment.

Common Causes of Jenkins OutOfMemoryError

Several factors contribute to Jenkins exhausting its memory. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Insufficient Heap Size: The default JVM heap size may not be sufficient for larger projects or numerous concurrent builds.
  • Memory Leaks in Plugins: Some Jenkins plugins can lead to memory leaks, causing excessive memory usage over time.
  • Inefficient Garbage Collection: The JVM’s garbage collection may not be optimized for Jenkins’ workload, leading to slow memory reclamation.
  • Large Builds or Jobs: Extensive builds or heavy job configurations can push Jenkins to its memory limits.
  • Excessive Retention of Build Data: Retaining too many build artifacts and logs in memory can also lead to memory overload.

By understanding these causes, you can address the root of the issue effectively.

Basic Fixes for Jenkins OutOfMemoryError

1. Restart Jenkins Regularly

A simple yet effective solution is to schedule periodic restarts of Jenkins. This clears the memory and refreshes the system. Although not a permanent fix, regular restarts help prevent memory buildup over time.

How to Schedule a Jenkins Restart:

  • Add a cron job or scheduled task to automatically restart Jenkins during low-usage hours.

2. Increase JVM Heap Size

The easiest way to address the OutOfMemoryError is to increase the JVM heap size. This allocates more memory for Jenkins, which can resolve the issue, particularly for larger setups.

Steps to Increase JVM Heap Size:

  1. Open the Jenkins configuration file (jenkins.xml or jenkins.service on Linux).
  2. Add or modify the JVM memory settings like this:bashCopy code-Xms1024m -Xmx4096m Here, -Xms sets the initial heap size to 1024MB, and -Xmx sets the maximum heap size to 4096MB.
  3. Save the changes and restart Jenkins for the settings to take effect.

Pro Tip: Don’t allocate too much memory, as this could affect other services running on the same machine.

Intermediate Fixes for Jenkins OutOfMemoryError

3. Optimize Jenkins Plugins

Plugins are a significant part of Jenkins, but they can also be responsible for memory leaks. Some poorly managed or outdated plugins can consume excessive memory.

How to Optimize Jenkins Plugins:

  1. Uninstall Unused Plugins: Review and remove plugins that are no longer needed.
  2. Update Plugins: Always keep your plugins updated to their latest versions.
  3. Use Monitoring Plugins: Install the Monitoring Plugin for Jenkins to track memory usage and identify problematic plugins.

4. Tweak Garbage Collection (GC) Settings

Garbage Collection (GC) is responsible for clearing unused objects in memory. However, default GC settings may not be optimal for Jenkins. You can fine-tune GC to improve memory performance.

Steps to Optimize GC Settings:

  1. Edit your Jenkins JVM options and add the following parameters:bashCopy code-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 The G1 Garbage Collector is efficient for large Java applications like Jenkins. Adjusting the MaxGCPauseMillis value ensures shorter pauses during GC.
  2. Monitor GC performance using tools like JConsole or VisualVM to make further adjustments if needed.

Advanced fix Jenkins OutOfMemoryError

5. Use Distributed Jenkins Builds

If your Jenkins server is struggling with resource limitations, consider switching to distributed builds. This means splitting the workload between multiple Jenkins nodes (agents), reducing the load on your main Jenkins server.

Steps to Set Up Distributed Builds:

  1. Set Up Jenkins Agents: Install Jenkins agents on separate machines or cloud instances to offload builds from the Jenkins master.
  2. Assign Jobs to Agents: Use node labels to distribute jobs across available agents based on resource requirements.

This method dramatically reduces memory pressure on the Jenkins master and improves overall performance.

6. Monitor and Manage Jenkins Memory Usage

Effective memory monitoring is key to preventing future OutOfMemoryErrors. Tools like New Relic, Prometheus, or Jenkins’ Monitoring Plugin can help track memory usage and alert you when memory thresholds are breached.

Best Practices for Memory Monitoring:

  • Set Alerts: Configure memory usage alerts to notify you when memory consumption crosses a certain limit.
  • Perform Regular Memory Analysis: Analyze heap dumps using tools like Eclipse Memory Analyzer to identify memory leaks and problematic processes.

FAQ – Jenkins OutOfMemoryError

1. How do I check if Jenkins is running out of memory?

You can monitor Jenkins’ memory usage via the Monitoring Plugin or JVM options like jstat. Look for performance degradation, slow builds, or frequent crashes, which are common signs of memory issues.

2. Can upgrading hardware resolve Jenkins OutOfMemoryError?

Upgrading hardware (e.g., adding more RAM) can help, but it’s crucial to also optimize JVM settings, garbage collection, and plugin configurations to prevent OutOfMemoryError.

3. How do I identify memory leaks in Jenkins?

Memory leaks can be detected using heap dumps and analyzing them with tools like VisualVM or Eclipse Memory Analyzer. Additionally, the Monitoring Plugin can help identify which plugins or jobs are consuming excessive memory.

4. What JVM options should I use to prevent Jenkins OutOfMemoryError?

In addition to increasing the JVM heap size, using optimized garbage collection settings like:

-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200

can help prevent memory issues in Jenkins.


The Jenkins OutOfMemoryError can be frustrating, but it’s preventable with the right strategies. Whether you start with basic memory allocation fixes, optimize plugins, or move towards more advanced solutions like distributed builds, there are plenty of ways to manage Jenkins’ memory usage effectively.

By following this guide, you can ensure that your Jenkins environment is optimized for long-term performance, avoiding unexpected crashes and keeping your CI/CD pipeline running smoothly. Thank you for reading the DevopsRoles page!

Start optimizing your Jenkins memory management today and enjoy uninterrupted build processes!


About HuuPV

My name is Huu. I love technology, especially Devops Skill such as Docker, vagrant, git, and so forth. I like open-sources, so I created to share the knowledge I have acquired. My Job: IT system administrator. Hobbies: summoners war game, gossip.
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