Resolve Refusing to Merge Git unrelated histories error


Let’s get started by diving deep into “Git unrelated histories” error, so you’ll be equipped to handle it in your projects.

One of the most frustrating experiences for developers working with Git is encountering the error message:

fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories

This error is confusing at first, especially for those who are new to Git or who haven’t dealt with complex repository histories before. It often happens when attempting to merge two branches, repositories, or directories that do not share a common commit history. When this occurs, Git refuses the merge and leaves you wondering what went wrong.

In this in-depth guide, we’ll explore why Git refuses to merge unrelated histories, provide detailed solutions, and cover best practices for avoiding this error in the future. From simple merge commands to advanced techniques like rebasing and squash merging, you’ll learn how to maintain clean, organized repositories.

What Is the “Refusing to Merge Unrelated Histories” Error?

Understanding Git Histories

Git is a distributed version control system that tracks changes to files over time. When two branches or repositories share a common history, it means they originate from the same initial commit or at least share a common ancestor commit. Git uses these common ancestors as the basis for merging changes between branches.

In the case of unrelated histories, Git cannot find this common commit, so it refuses the merge to prevent potential issues like conflicts or loss of data. This safeguard ensures that developers don’t accidentally combine two completely unrelated projects.

When Does the Error Occur?

You will encounter the “refusing to merge unrelated histories” error in scenarios such as:

  • Merging Two Separate Repositories: If two Git repositories were initialized separately and now need to be combined, Git will refuse to merge them since there’s no shared commit history.
  • Pulling Changes into a Newly Initialized Repository: If you pull from a remote repository into a fresh local repository that doesn’t have any commits, Git sees the histories as unrelated.
  • Merging Branches Without Shared History: Sometimes, you may work with branches that, due to reinitialization or incomplete history sharing, do not have a common base. Git cannot merge them without manual intervention.

Here’s the exact error message you may see:

fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories

This error tells you that Git cannot automatically merge the histories of the two branches or repositories involved.

Common Causes of Git unrelated histories

1. Initializing Two Separate Repositories

When developers initialize two different Git repositories and later try to merge them into one, the histories are completely independent. For example, one developer might start working on a project and initialize a repository, while another does the same on a separate machine. When they try to merge the two repositories later, Git refuses due to the lack of shared history.

2. Cloning or Pulling into a Fresh Local Repository

If you clone or pull from a remote repository into a newly initialized local directory, Git may treat the histories as unrelated because the local repository doesn’t yet have any commit history.

3. Migrating from a Different Version Control System

When migrating a project from another version control system (like Subversion or Mercurial) to Git, the commit histories might not align properly. This can cause Git to refuse merging repositories or branches, since the histories were originally managed in different systems.

4. Merging Forked Repositories

In some cases, a developer forks a repository, makes significant changes, and later tries to merge the fork back into the original repository. If the two have drifted apart without common commits, Git will refuse to merge their histories.

How to Resolve the “Refusing to Merge Unrelated Histories” Error

Now that we understand the causes, let’s look at how to fix the error. Here are several methods to resolve it, from basic to advanced.

Solution 1: Use the –allow-unrelated-histories Flag

The simplest way to resolve the issue is to instruct Git to allow merging unrelated histories using the --allow-unrelated-histories flag. This flag tells Git to bypass its usual checks and merge the branches or repositories, even if they don’t have a shared commit history.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Navigate to the Branch You Want to Merge Into: First, make sure you are on the branch where you want the changes to be merged.
    • git checkout [branch_name]
  2. Merge with --allow-unrelated-histories: Use the following command to merge the branches or repositories, allowing unrelated histories to be combined.
    • git merge [branch_to_merge] --allow-unrelated-histories
    • Example:
      • git checkout main git merge feature --allow-unrelated-histories
  3. Commit the Changes: After the merge, review the changes and commit them if needed.
    • git commit -m "Merge branch 'feature' with unrelated histories"

Solution 2: Use Git Rebase

Rebasing is a powerful technique to apply commits from one branch onto another. This method effectively rewrites the commit history, making it as though your changes were built directly on top of the branch you’re rebasing onto.

Steps to Use Rebase

  1. Checkout the Branch to Rebase:
    • git checkout [branch_name]
  2. Rebase onto the Target Branch:
    • git rebase [target_branch]

For example, if you want to rebase a feature branch onto main:

git checkout feature
git rebase main

Rebasing effectively avoids the issue of unrelated histories by creating a linear history. However, rebasing can be complex, and if there are many conflicts, you may need to resolve them manually.

Solution 3: Squash Merging

Squash merging consolidates all the changes from one branch into a single commit. This technique is particularly useful when merging many small changes from a feature branch into the main branch, avoiding messy commit histories.

Steps to Perform Squash Merge

  1. Check Out the Target Branch:
    • git checkout [target_branch]
  2. Merge Using Squash:
    • git merge --squash [branch_to_merge]
  3. Commit the Squashed Changes: Once the squash merge is complete, you can commit the single squashed commit.
    • git commit -m "Squash merge of [branch_to_merge] into [target_branch]"

Solution 4: Manual Fix by Adding Remotes

If the issue involves merging unrelated histories from different repositories, such as when working with forks, you can manually add the remote repository and perform the merge with --allow-unrelated-histories.

Steps for Merging Forks or Different Repositories

  1. Add the Original Repository as a Remote:
    • git remote add upstream [repository_URL]
  2. Fetch the Latest Changes:
    • git fetch upstream
  3. Merge with --allow-unrelated-histories:
    • git merge upstream/main --allow-unrelated-histories

This allows you to merge a forked repository back into the original, even though the histories might not align initially.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why does Git refuse to merge unrelated histories?

Git requires a common commit history to merge branches or repositories. If the histories do not share any common commits, Git assumes the two are unrelated and refuses to merge them to prevent potential conflicts or data loss.

2. What does –allow-unrelated-histories do in Git?

The --allow-unrelated-histories flag tells Git to merge two branches or repositories, even if they do not share a common history. This bypasses Git’s usual merge behavior and allows the operation to proceed despite the unrelated histories.

3. Is it safe to merge unrelated histories?

Merging unrelated histories can sometimes lead to a tangled commit history, making it harder to track changes over time. It is important to carefully review the result of the merge to ensure no important data is lost or conflicts introduced. In many cases, it’s safer to rebase or squash merge.

4. How do I prevent unrelated histories in Git?

To avoid unrelated histories, ensure all contributors work from the same repository from the beginning. Always clone the repository before starting new development work, and avoid initializing new Git repositories for projects that should share history with an existing repository.


The “fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories” error is a common issue that can arise when working with Git, particularly in more complex repository setups. Fortunately, with the solutions outlined in this guide-from using the --allow-unrelated-histories flag to leveraging more advanced techniques like rebasing and squash merging-you now have a full toolkit for resolving this issue.

By following best practices and ensuring that all developers work from a common base, you can prevent this error from occurring in the future and maintain a clean, consistent Git history across your projects. Thank you for reading the DevopsRoles page!


About HuuPV

My name is Huu. I love technology, especially Devops Skill such as Docker, vagrant, git, and so forth. I like open-sources, so I created to share the knowledge I have acquired. My Job: IT system administrator. Hobbies: summoners war game, gossip.
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