Table of Contents1 Introduction1.1 Prerequisites1.2 Step 1: Update your system1.3 Step 2: Install curl package1.4 Step 3: Download the Latest…
DevOps Blog – Latest DevOps Articles and Tutorials
How to install Docker on Ubuntu
Table of Contents1 Introduction2 How to install Docker on Ubuntu2.1 Prerequisites2.2 Step 1: Update your system2.3 Step 2: Install the…
Exploring the fd Command in Linux: A Powerful Find Alternative for Efficient File Searches
Table of Contents1 Introduction2 What is the ‘fd’ Command?3 Install fd command4 Use the fd command in Linux5 Conclusion Introduction…
Step-by-Step: Create Docker Image from a Running Container
Table of Contents1 Introduction2 What does docker mean?3 Install Docker on Ubuntu4 Create Docker Image from a Running Container4.1 Create…
Git Revert Commit already pushed to a remote repository
In this tutorial, How to Git Revert Commit is already pushed to a remote repository. Sometimes I recover wrong changes…
Vagrant install Nodejs on Rocky Linux
Table of Contents1 Introduction2 What does Nodejs mean?3 My Setup for Installing Node.js with Vagrant4 Set Up a Virtual Machine5…
A Step-by-Step Guide Vagrant install Redis server
Table of Contents1 Introduction2 My Environment for Vagrant install Redis server2.1 The vagrant directory and files will look like as…
Vagrant LEMP stack: A Comprehensive Guide from Basic to Advanced
Table of Contents1 Introduction2 What does lemp stand for?3 My Environment for Vagrant LEMP stack4 Create a Virtual Machine5 Configure…
Run Multiple Ansible Versions using Python 3 Virtual Environments
Table of Contents0.1 #Introduction1 Install Python 31.1 CentOS 71.2 Ubuntu2 Create Virtual Environments3 Conclusion #Introduction In this tutorial, How to…
Docker deploy a Bitwarden server
Table of Contents0.1 #Introduction1 Install Docker on Ubuntu1.1 Obtain Bitwardenβs Installation key and ID1.2 Create the Bitwarden user1.3 Download the…