When the directory size displayed by the du command does not match between the parent directory and child directory in…
DevOps Blog – Latest DevOps Articles and Tutorials
Docker tutorial series – part 2
In this article, I will write about “data mount (volume), Docker Network, Docker Compose”. Now, let’s go Docker tutorial series…
Docker tutorial series part 1
In this article, I will Write about understanding the mechanism of Docker. The whole picture of various concepts around Docker.…
cal command in Linux with Examples
cal command means Printing an ASCII calendar of the given month or year. cal command is used to see the…
How to Use the Date Command in Linux: Step-by-Step Examples
Table of Contents1 Introduction1.1 date command syntax2 date command in Linux with Examples3 Conclusion Introduction Linux offers various command-line tools…
reboot command in Linux with Examples
reboot command means Restart your machine gently. How do I reboot my Linux based system or remote Linux Server? Syntax…
shutdown command in Linux with Examples
shutdown command means Halt, power-off or reboots the machine. In this tutorial, How to shutdown command in Linux with Examples.…
Mastering the gunzip command in Linux: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples
Table of Contents1 Introduction1.1 Syntax2 gunzip command in Linux with Examples3 Conclusion Introduction gunzip command in Linux, compressing and decompressing…
Mastering the unzip command in Linux: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples
Table of Contents1 Introduction1.1 unzip syntax2 unzip command in Linux with Examples3 Conclusion Introduction unzip command in Linux means list,…
zip command in Linux with Examples
zip command in Linux means Package and compress (archive) files. Syntax zip [-aABcdDeEfFghjklLmoqrRSTuvVwXyz!@$] [–longoption …] [-b path] [-n suffixes] [-t…