Install OpenStack all in one centos 7


In this tutorial, How to install OpenStack all in one Centos 7. OpenStack is open-source for setting up Infrastructure as a service. It provides a solution for both the public and private cloud.

For production a minimal OpenStack setup requires one controller and one compute node. To get started OpenStack is a practice to set up all-in-one deployment.

To install OpenStack “all-in-one” on CentOS 7, you can follow these steps:

Install OpenStack All in One Centos 7

My environment

  • My Laptop use OS Linux Mint
  • Installed Vagrant + VirtualBox

For example, I create a new Vagrantfile file Vagrant for OpenStack.

huupv@huupv-VivoBook-S15-X530UA:~/VMs_vagrant/Dev_Openstack$ cat Vagrantfile 

# The content as below
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.ssh.insert_key = false
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
  vb.memory = 4500
  vb.cpus = 2
# Application server 1.
config.vm.define "app3" do |app3|
  app3.vm.hostname = "OpenstackDev" = "centos/7"
  # "private_network", ip: ""
  app3.vbguest.installer_options = { allow_kernel_upgrade: true } :forwarded_port, guest: 80, host: 8080 :forwarded_port, guest: 5000, host: 5000 :forwarded_port, guest: 9696, host: 9696 :forwarded_port, guest: 8774, host: 8774 :forwarded_port, guest: 35357, host: 35357

How to do it set up OpenStack for deployment

1. Prerequisites

To recommend/best practice for OpenStack disable Firewalld, NetworkManager, and SELinux.

Stop and disable NetworkManager

sudo systemctl stop NetworkManager
sudo systemctl disable NetworkManager

Stop and disable firewalld

sudo systemctl stop firewalld
sudo systemctl disable firewalld

Restart network service

sudo systemctl restart network

Disable SELinux

Can do it permanently in file /etc/selinux/config change SELINUX=enforcing to SELINUX=disabled.

Disable SELinux

Update your system.

sudo yum -y update

Configure a static IP address and set your hostname in /etc/hosts

Restart the machine.

2. Install OpenStack RPM

On CentOS, the Extras repository provides the RPM that enables the OpenStack repository.

sudo yum install -y centos-release-openstack-stein

3. Install Packstack

sudo yum install -y openstack-packstack

4. Deploy and run OpenStack using Packstack

sudo packstack --allinone

The output is below

[vagrant@OpenstackDev ~]$ sudo packstack --allinone
Welcome to the Packstack setup utility

The installation log file is available at: /var/tmp/packstack/20190716-150951-Z_3kTo/openstack-setup.log

Clean Up                                             [ DONE ]
Discovering ip protocol version                      [ DONE ]
Setting up ssh keys                                  [ DONE ]
Preparing servers                                    [ DONE ]
Pre installing Puppet and discovering hosts' details [ DONE ]
Preparing pre-install entries                        [ DONE ]
Setting up CACERT                                    [ DONE ]
Preparing AMQP entries                               [ DONE ]
Preparing MariaDB entries                            [ DONE ]
Fixing Keystone LDAP config parameters to be undef if empty[ DONE ]
Preparing Keystone entries                           [ DONE ]
Preparing Glance entries                             [ DONE ]
Checking if the Cinder server has a cinder-volumes vg[ DONE ]
Preparing Cinder entries                             [ DONE ]
Preparing Nova API entries                           [ DONE ]
Creating ssh keys for Nova migration                 [ DONE ]
Gathering ssh host keys for Nova migration           [ DONE ]
Preparing Nova Compute entries                       [ DONE ]
Preparing Nova Scheduler entries                     [ DONE ]
Preparing Nova VNC Proxy entries                     [ DONE ]
Preparing OpenStack Network-related Nova entries     [ DONE ]
Preparing Nova Common entries                        [ DONE ]
Preparing Neutron LBaaS Agent entries                [ DONE ]
Preparing Neutron API entries                        [ DONE ]
Preparing Neutron L3 entries                         [ DONE ]
Preparing Neutron L2 Agent entries                   [ DONE ]
Preparing Neutron DHCP Agent entries                 [ DONE ]
Preparing Neutron Metering Agent entries             [ DONE ]
Checking if NetworkManager is enabled and running    [ DONE ]
Preparing OpenStack Client entries                   [ DONE ]
Preparing Horizon entries                            [ DONE ]
Preparing Swift builder entries                      [ DONE ]
Preparing Swift proxy entries                        [ DONE ]
Preparing Swift storage entries                      [ DONE ]
Preparing Gnocchi entries                            [ DONE ]
Preparing Redis entries                              [ DONE ]
Preparing Ceilometer entries                         [ DONE ]
Preparing Aodh entries                               [ DONE ]
Preparing Puppet manifests                           [ DONE ]
Copying Puppet modules and manifests                 [ DONE ]
Applying                             [ DONE ]      
Applying                                [ DONE ]   
Applying                                [ DONE ]   
Applying Puppet manifests                            [ DONE ]
Finalizing                                           [ DONE ]

 **** Installation completed successfully ******

 * A new answerfile was created in: /root/packstack-answers-20190716-150952.txt
 * Time synchronization installation was skipped. Please note that unsynchronized time on server instances might be problem for some OpenStack components.
 * File /root/keystonerc_admin has been created on OpenStack client host To use the command line tools you need to source the file.
 * To access the OpenStack Dashboard browse to .
Please, find your login credentials stored in the keystonerc_admin in your home directory.
 * The installation log file is available at: /var/tmp/packstack/20190716-150951-Z_3kTo/openstack-setup.log
 * The generated manifests are available at: /var/tmp/packstack/20190716-150951-Z_3kTo/manifests

5. Verify

Logging into the dashboard (called Horizon). Link access http://localhost:8080/dashboard

Install OpenStack all in one centos 7

Password user admin for OpenStack “A new answerfile file was created in/root/packstack-answers-20190716-150952.txt” during install OpenStack.

$ sudo cat /root/packstack-answers-20190716-150952.txt | grep ADMIN

For example, The password for admin as the picture below:

Password user admin for OpenStack
You have to Install OpenStack all in one centos 7 deployments a practice


This tutorial provides a comprehensive guide on installing OpenStack all-in-one on CentOS 7. It is designed to help users set up their own private cloud infrastructure using OpenStack, offering step-by-step instructions on the deployment process.

This approach is especially beneficial for those looking to learn about cloud infrastructure or needing a development environment for testing. By following this guide, users can leverage OpenStack’s capabilities to create a versatile and scalable cloud platform using CentOS 7. Thank you for reading theΒ DevopsRolesΒ page!

, ,

About HuuPV

My name is Huu. I love technology, especially Devops Skill such as Docker, vagrant, git, and so forth. I like open-sources, so I created to share the knowledge I have acquired. My Job: IT system administrator. Hobbies: summoners war game, gossip.
View all posts by HuuPV →

14 thoughts on “Install OpenStack all in one centos 7

  1. Salut HuuPV, j’ai besoin d’aide au niveau de cette commande sudo packstack –allinone. quand je la lance, elle m’affiche une erreur. Merci de m’aider.

  2. i am getting an error while running the install command of openstack regarding a selinux policy , so that the openstack is not installing

  3. Hi, I have installed the Openstack but now i wants learn how to configure and use the openstack properly. Kindly, help me in this regards! I shall be very thankful to you.

  4. Hi…thanks for the tutorial…instead of using for example single port eth0 for external network… can i also include other spare port for example eth1, eth2, etc…onto openstack? what parameter in answer file should i updated/changed? thank you

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