Kubernetes day one


In this tutorial, We study together K8s (Kubernetes). Let go of Kubernetes day one.

  • Method installs for Kubernetes.
  • Use Managed Kubernetes service from CSP.
  • Install and configure Kubectl for Linux and macOS.
  • Configuring Kubernetes in Minikube Windows or Linux.
  • Minikube install commands.
  • Create the First POD configuration in YAML.
  • How to generate Pod Manifests via CLI.

Method installs for Kubernetes.

There are multiple methods to get started with a full Kubernetes Environment.

  • Use the Managed Kubernetes Service.
  • Install and configure Kubernetes Manually
  • Use Minikube

Managed Kubernetes Service.

Provides like: AWS, GCP, IBM, and others providers.


It’s a tool that makes it easy to run Kubernetes locally.

Minikube run a single node K8s cluster on VM on your laptop. You can try out or develop with it.

Install and configure Kubernetes Manually

It’s the Hard Way. You install and configure components of K8s.

Install Kubectl on Windows

it allows running commands against K8s clusters.

Kubectl to deploy applications, manage cluster resources, and view logs. Link here.

Download Kubectl here

Add path environment variable for K8s

Add path environment variable for K8s
Add path environment variable for K8s 2
Add path environment variable for K8s 3

Confirm kubectl command on Windows.

Confirm kubectl command on windows.

Install Minikube on Windows

Link here.

For example below:

Kubernetes day one 1

From a terminal start your cluster.

Kubernetes day one


Kubernetes Pod is a group of one or more application containers that share resources.

  • A Pod runs on a Node.
  • Each Node is managed by the Master.
  • A Node has multiple pods.
  • A Node is a worker machine in K8s.

The command same docker vs K8s

docker run –name webserver nginxkubectl run webserver –image=nginx
docker exec -it webserver bashkubectl exec -it webserver — bash
docker stop webserver
docker rm webserver
kubectl delete pod webserver

Updating later!

About HuuPV

My name is Huu. I love technology, especially Devops Skill such as Docker, vagrant, git, and so forth. I like open-sources, so I created DevopsRoles.com to share the knowledge I have acquired. My Job: IT system administrator. Hobbies: summoners war game, gossip.
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