Mastering alias linux: A Deep Guide to Optimizing Your Workflow


Linux aliases are an incredibly useful tool for anyone who spends time in the terminal. By creating an alias, you can replace long, repetitive, or complex commands with simpler, shorter ones, thus saving time and reducing the chance of error. In this deep guide, we will cover everything you need to know about using aliases in Linux, starting from the basics and moving to more advanced applications.

By the end of this article, you’ll be able to create your own aliases, optimize your workflow, and apply advanced techniques such as using arguments, functions, and system-wide aliases.

What Are alias linux?

Basic Definition

In Linux, an alias is essentially a shortcut for a command or series of commands. Instead of typing a lengthy command every time, you can define an alias to save time. For example, instead of typing ls -alh to list all files in a detailed format, you can create an alias like ll that does the same thing.

Why alias Linux Matter?

Aliases offer many benefits:

  • Time-saving: Typing shorter commands speeds up workflow.
  • Error Reduction: Shorter commands decrease the chance of mistyping long, complex commands.
  • Customization: Tailor your command-line environment to your personal preferences or frequently used commands.

Basic Syntax

The syntax for creating an alias is simple:

alias alias_name='command_to_run'

For example:

alias ll='ls -alh'

This means that every time you type ll, the system will execute ls -alh.

Creating and Managing Basic Aliases in Linux

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Basic Alias

Step 1: Open Your Terminal

You will be creating aliases within the terminal. To get started, open a terminal on your Linux system by using Ctrl + Alt + T or by searching for “Terminal.”

Step 2: Define the Alias

To create an alias, type the following syntax:

alias shortcut='long_command'

For example, if you want to create an alias for clearing the terminal, use:

alias cls='clear'

Step 3: Test the Alias

Once the alias is defined, type the alias name (cls in this case) and hit Enter. The terminal should clear just like it would if you typed clear.

Listing All Available Aliases

To view a list of all currently defined aliases, use the following command:


This will print a list of all active aliases in the current session.

Making Aliases Permanent

Aliases created in the terminal are temporary and will be lost when you close the session. To make them permanent, you need to add them to your shell’s configuration file. Depending on the shell you use, this file might differ:

  • For Bash: Add aliases to ~/.bashrc
  • For Zsh: Add aliases to ~/.zshrc
  • For Fish: Use ~/.config/fish/

To edit the ~/.bashrc file, for example, use a text editor like nano:

nano ~/.bashrc

Scroll to the bottom and add your alias:

alias cls='clear'

Save and close the file by pressing Ctrl + O to save and Ctrl + X to exit. Then, reload the file by typing:

source ~/.bashrc

Removing or Unaliasing

To remove a defined alias, use the unalias command:

unalias alias_name

For example:

unalias cls

This will remove the cls alias from the current session. To remove an alias permanently, delete it from the configuration file where you defined it (~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, etc.).

Advanced Aliases in Linux

Combining Multiple Commands in One Alias

You can create aliases that combine multiple commands using logical operators like && or ;. For example, you may want to update your system and clean up afterward in one go. Here’s an alias that does just that:

alias update='sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt autoremove'

In this case, the && operator ensures that each command is only executed if the previous one succeeds.

Using Aliases with Pipes

Aliases can be used with pipes (|) to pass the output of one command as the input to another. For example, to list the contents of a directory and search for a specific word, use:

alias search='ls -alh | grep'

Now, you can search within the file list by typing:

search search_term

Handling Arguments with Functions

One limitation of aliases is that they don’t directly support arguments. If you need an alias that accepts parameters, you can use a function. For example:

mycopy() {
    cp $1 /desired/destination/

Now you can run mycopy followed by a filename, and it will copy that file to the desired destination.

Aliases for Safety: Preventing Dangerous Commands

Some Linux commands, such as rm, can be dangerous if used incorrectly. You can alias these commands to include safe options by default. For example:

alias rm='rm -i'

This forces rm to ask for confirmation before deleting any files.

Aliases with Conditions

You can add conditions to your alias using functions in your shell configuration file. For example, here’s how you can create a command that only updates the system if it’s connected to Wi-Fi:

alias updatewifi='if [ $(nmcli -t -f WIFI g) = "enabled" ]; then sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade; fi'

Permanently Disabling Aliases

Sometimes, you may want to run a command without using its alias. In such cases, you can bypass an alias by prefixing the command with a backslash (\):

\rm file.txt

This runs the original rm command without any alias.

Best Practices for Using Aliases

1. Keep Aliases Short and Memorable

The primary goal of an alias is to make your life easier. Choose simple, intuitive names that are easy to remember, like ll for ls -alh. Avoid complex alias names that are just as long as the original command.

2. Group Related Aliases Together

For better organization, group your aliases in logical sections. You can separate them by purpose or functionality in your shell configuration file. For example, all Git-related aliases could be grouped together:

# Git aliases
alias gs='git status'
alias gc='git commit'
alias gp='git push'

3. Use Descriptive Names for Complex Commands

For commands that are more complex, use descriptive alias names to avoid confusion. For example:

alias syncfiles='rsync -avzh /source/directory /target/directory'

This ensures you remember what the alias does when you revisit it later.

4. Use Aliases for Safety

Always alias potentially destructive commands with safer options. For example:

alias cp='cp -i'
alias mv='mv -i'

These aliases will prompt you for confirmation before overwriting files.

5. Document Your Aliases

If you’re using aliases extensively, it’s a good idea to comment them in your shell configuration file. This helps you remember the purpose of each alias.

# Alias to list all files in long format
alias ll='ls -alF'

System-Wide Aliases

Creating Aliases for All Users

If you want to create aliases that apply to all users on a system, you can add them to a system-wide configuration file. This requires root access.

  1. Open the /etc/profile file or /etc/bash.bashrc:
sudo nano /etc/bash.bashrc
  1. Add your aliases at the bottom of the file:
alias cls='clear'
alias ll='ls -alh'
  1. Save the file and apply the changes:
source /etc/bash.bashrc

Now, these aliases will be available for all users on the system.

Troubleshooting Aliases in Linux

Aliases Not Working?

If your aliases are not working, there are a few things to check:

  1. Configuration File Not Reloaded: If you’ve added an alias to your configuration file but it isn’t recognized, make sure to reload the file:
    • source ~/.bashrc
  2. Syntax Errors: Ensure your aliases are written with correct syntax. Each alias should follow the format:
    • alias alias_name='command_to_run'
  3. Conflicting Commands: Check if there are other commands or scripts that might have the same name as your alias. You can check which command will be executed by typing:
    • type alias_name

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I pass arguments to an alias?

No, aliases in Linux do not support arguments directly. You’ll need to use shell functions if you want to pass arguments.

How do I permanently remove an alias?

To permanently remove an alias, delete its entry from your shell’s configuration file (~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, etc.) and reload the file using source.

How do I create a system-wide alias?

You can create system-wide aliases by adding them to /etc/bash.bashrc or /etc/profile. These aliases will apply to all users on the system.

Can I override system commands with an alias?

Yes, you can override system commands using aliases. However, be careful when overriding essential commands like rm or cp to avoid unexpected behaviors.


Linux aliases are a simple yet powerful way to customize and optimize your command-line workflow. Whether you’re creating shortcuts for complex commands, ensuring consistency in your tasks, or improving system safety, aliases can significantly improve your efficiency. By mastering both basic and advanced alias techniques, you’ll take your Linux skills to the next level and create a more personalized and streamlined working environment. Thank you for reading the DevopsRoles page!

About HuuPV

My name is Huu. I love technology, especially Devops Skill such as Docker, vagrant, git, and so forth. I like open-sources, so I created to share the knowledge I have acquired. My Job: IT system administrator. Hobbies: summoners war game, gossip.
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