Resolve MODULE FAILURE Error in Ansible Playbook


Ansible is a powerful open-source automation tool designed for IT automation such as configuration management, application deployment, and task automation. Despite its simplicity and flexibility, you might encounter certain errors while running Ansible playbooks. One particularly frustrating error is the MODULE FAILURE error.

In this deep guide, we will cover how to diagnose, debug, and resolve the MODULE FAILURE error in Ansible playbooks. We’ll start with basic steps and dive into advanced techniques to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the troubleshooting process.

By the end of this guide, you will be equipped with the tools and knowledge needed to effectively resolve MODULE FAILURE errors in Ansible playbooks.

What is the MODULE FAILURE Error in Ansible?

The MODULE FAILURE error is triggered when an Ansible module fails to execute properly. Modules in Ansible are responsible for executing specific actions such as copying files, managing services, or interacting with APIs. When these modules fail, the playbook is unable to proceed further, halting the automation process.

This error typically appears in the following format:

fatal: [target-host]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "MODULE FAILURE", "module_stderr": "MODULE FAILURE", "module_stdout": ""}

In most cases, Ansible will provide additional details about what went wrong, such as incorrect arguments, missing dependencies, or permission issues. However, diagnosing the exact root cause can sometimes be tricky.

Let’s begin with basic troubleshooting steps to understand what might be going wrong.

Basic Troubleshooting Steps for MODULE FAILURE

1. Analyze the Error Output

Whenever a MODULE FAILURE error occurs, Ansible typically provides an error message with some context. The module_stderr and msg fields in the error output often contain useful information.

fatal: [target-host]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "MODULE FAILURE", "module_stderr": "error detail", "module_stdout": ""}
  • msg: This provides a general message about the failure.
  • module_stderr: This might contain more specific details on what went wrong during module execution.

Always start by analyzing the full error message to identify whether it’s a syntax issue, an argument mismatch, or a missing dependency.

2. Ensure Correct Module Usage

Every Ansible module has a set of arguments and options that it expects. Incorrect arguments or missing options can lead to a MODULE FAILURE. Use the ansible-doc command to verify that you’re using the module correctly.

For example, let’s say you are using the user module:

- name: Add a new user
    name: john
    state: present
    password: secret_password

You can check the correct usage with:

ansible-doc user

This will show you all the available options and expected argument formats for the user module.

3. Test Module Functionality Independently

Sometimes, it helps to test the problematic module outside the playbook. You can run an individual module command using ansible -m <module-name> to verify if the module works independently.

For example, if you suspect that the copy module is failing, run the following command to test it manually:

ansible target-host -m copy -a "src=/local/file.txt dest=/remote/path/file.txt"

This approach can help you isolate whether the issue is with the playbook or the module itself.

4. Review File Permissions and Paths

Incorrect file paths or missing permissions are frequent causes of MODULE FAILURE. Verify that the file paths provided in your playbook are correct, and ensure the user running the playbook has appropriate permissions on both the control machine and the target hosts.

- name: Copy a file to remote server
    src: /incorrect/path/file.txt
    dest: /remote/path/file.txt
  become: true  # Ensure privilege escalation if required

Use the stat module to check if the files and directories exist and have the required permissions.

- name: Check if the file exists
    path: /remote/path/file.txt
  register: file_check

- debug:
    msg: "File exists: {{ file_check.stat.exists }}"

5. Verify Dependencies on Remote Hosts

Ansible modules sometimes rely on external libraries, binaries, or packages that must be installed on the remote system. If these dependencies are missing, the module will fail.

For example, the yum module requires the yum package manager to be available on the remote host. You can check for dependencies using the command module.

- name: Verify if yum is available
  command: which yum

If the required package or tool is missing, you’ll need to install it as part of the playbook or manually on the remote machine.

- name: Install yum package manager
    name: yum
    state: present

6. Check Privileges and Permissions

If your playbook includes tasks that require elevated privileges (e.g., installing software, starting services), you’ll need to ensure that the user running the playbook has appropriate permissions.

Use the become directive to run tasks with elevated privileges:

- name: Install a package
    name: httpd
    state: present
  become: true

Ensure that the user executing the playbook has the necessary sudo rights on the remote system.

Advanced Troubleshooting Techniques for MODULE FAILURE

1. Increase Verbosity with -vvv

When basic troubleshooting steps don’t provide enough insight, increasing Ansible’s verbosity level can help. Run your playbook with the -vvv flag to see more detailed logs.

ansible-playbook playbook.yml -vvv

This will provide a more granular output of each step in the playbook execution, giving you detailed information about what’s happening during the MODULE FAILURE.

2. Dry Run with --check

The --check option allows you to perform a dry run of your playbook. Ansible simulates the execution without making any actual changes to the remote system, which can help you catch issues before they result in MODULE FAILURE.

ansible-playbook playbook.yml --check

This is particularly useful for identifying missing paths, wrong arguments, or other pre-execution errors.

3. Debugging with assert

Ansible’s assert module is a useful tool for validating conditions before executing a task. By asserting certain conditions, you can prevent a task from running unless the conditions are met.

- name: Ensure file exists before copying
      - file_exists('/path/to/file.txt')

- name: Copy the file to the remote host
    src: /path/to/file.txt
    dest: /remote/path/file.txt
  when: file_exists

In this example, the assert module checks if the file exists before proceeding with the copy task.

4. Debugging with pause and debug

You can pause the playbook execution at certain points using the pause module to manually inspect the remote system. Use this in combination with the debug module to print variables and check intermediate values.

- name: Pause for debugging
    prompt: "Inspect the system and press Enter to continue"

- name: Debug variables
    var: ansible_facts

This technique allows you to step through the playbook execution and examine the system state before the MODULE FAILURE occurs.

MODULE FAILURE Scenarios and Resolutions

Scenario 1: MODULE FAILURE Due to Missing Python Interpreter

In some environments (such as minimal Docker containers), the Python interpreter may not be installed, which can lead to MODULE FAILURE.


You can install Python using the raw module, which doesn’t require a Python interpreter.

- name: Install Python on remote hosts
  raw: sudo apt-get install python3 -y

Once Python is installed, Ansible modules that depend on Python should run without issues.

Scenario 2: MODULE FAILURE in service Module

If the service module fails, it could be due to the service not being available or misconfigured on the target host.


You can add pre-checks to verify that the service exists before trying to start or stop it.

- name: Check if the service exists
  command: systemctl status apache2
  register: service_status
  ignore_errors: yes

- name: Restart the service if it exists
    name: apache2
    state: restarted
  when: service_status.rc == 0

This prevents the service module from running if the service does not exist.

Scenario 3: MODULE FAILURE in the file Module

If the file module fails, it could be due to incorrect file ownership or permissions.


Ensure that the necessary permissions and ownership are set correctly before performing any file-related tasks.

- name: Ensure correct ownership of directory
    path: /var/www/html
    state: directory
    owner: www-data
    group: www-data
    mode: '0755'
  become: true

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What causes a MODULE FAILURE in Ansible?

A MODULE FAILURE in Ansible can be caused by several factors including incorrect module arguments, missing dependencies on the remote host, incorrect permissions, or syntax errors in the playbook.

How can I debug a MODULE FAILURE error in Ansible?

To debug a MODULE FAILURE error, start by reviewing the error message, increasing verbosity with -vvv, verifying module arguments, checking file paths and permissions, and ensuring all dependencies are installed on the remote host.

How can I prevent MODULE FAILURE errors in Ansible?

You can prevent MODULE FAILURE errors by validating module arguments with ansible-doc, testing tasks with --check, ensuring proper permissions, and using the assert module to verify conditions before executing tasks.


MODULE FAILURE errors in Ansible can be daunting, especially when they interrupt your automation workflows. However, with a methodical approach to troubleshooting—starting with analyzing error messages, verifying module usage, and checking dependencies—you can resolve most issues. Thank you for visiting the DevopsRoles page!

For more complex scenarios, using advanced techniques like increased verbosity, dry runs, and debugging modules will help you diagnose and fix the root cause of the MODULE FAILURE. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to resolve MODULE FAILURE errors and keep your automation tasks running smoothly.


About HuuPV

My name is Huu. I love technology, especially Devops Skill such as Docker, vagrant, git, and so forth. I like open-sources, so I created to share the knowledge I have acquired. My Job: IT system administrator. Hobbies: summoners war game, gossip.
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