Mastering the mv Command in Linux: Practical Examples and Tips


mv command in Linux means Renames or moving files. The mv command, short for move, is a powerful utility found in Linux that enables users to move files or directories from one location to another. It also serves a dual purpose of renaming files or directories within the same filesystem.

mv command in Linux with Examples



On the man page, the describes it

  • mv – move (rename) files
  • man mv – More details information about mv command.
  • The mv Command in Linux
    • Basic Syntax: mv [options] source destination
    • Moving Files: To move file1.txt to another directory:
      • mv file1.txt /path/to/destination/
    • Renaming Files: To rename file1.txt to file2.txt:
      • mv file1.txt file2.txt
  • Using mv in macOS Terminal
    • Works identically to Linux, as macOS is Unix-based.
    • Use the Terminal to execute commands.
  • Equivalent of mv in Windows
    • Moving Files: Windows uses the move command.
      • Syntax: move source destination
    • Renaming Files: Windows uses the rename command.
      • Example: rename oldname.txt newname.txt

mv command in Linux with Examples

$ mv source.txt destination.txt

Moving Files:

To move a file named example.txt from your current directory to another directory, you can use:

mv example.txt /path/to/destination/

Moving Multiple Files:

You can move multiple files to a directory with one command:

mv file1.txt file2.txt /path/to/destination/


The mv command is an essential tool for managing file systems in Linux, offering a simple yet powerful way to organize files and directories efficiently. By understanding and utilizing mv, users can streamline their file management tasks effectively. Thank you for reading the DevopsRoles page!


About HuuPV

My name is Huu. I love technology, especially Devops Skill such as Docker, vagrant, git, and so forth. I like open-sources, so I created to share the knowledge I have acquired. My Job: IT system administrator. Hobbies: summoners war game, gossip.
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