RPM Command Line in Linux: A Comprehensive Guide for System Administrators

Table of Contents


The RPM command line in Linux is a powerful tool for managing software packages on Linux distributions that are based on Red Hat, such as RHEL, CentOS, and Fedora. RPM, short for Red Hat Package Manager, allows administrators to install, upgrade, remove, and verify software packages, making it an essential command for maintaining software on a Linux system.

In this article, we will explore rpm command line in Linux from a beginner’s perspective to advanced usage scenarios. Whether you’re a system administrator managing multiple servers or just a curious Linux user, mastering the rpm command can significantly improve your software management skills.

What is RPM?

RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) is the default package management system used by Red Hat-based distributions. It helps you manage the installation, upgrading, verification, and removal of software packages.

An RPM package is usually distributed as a file with the .rpm extension and contains the binaries, libraries, configuration files, and metadata required by the software.

The rpm command provides a direct way to interact with these packages from the terminal.

Advantages of RPM command

  • Efficient package management for large systems.
  • Advanced verification and query tools.
  • Dependency management with integration to other tools like yum and dnf.

Basic RPM Commands

Installing Packages

To install a new RPM package, you can use the -i option followed by the name of the package.

rpm -i package_name.rpm


rpm -i httpd-2.4.6-90.el7.x86_64.rpm

This command installs the Apache HTTP server on your system.

Upgrading Packages

To upgrade an already installed package or install it if it’s not present, you can use the -U (upgrade) option:

rpm -U package_name.rpm

This ensures that the old package is replaced with the new version.


rpm -U httpd-2.4.6-90.el7.x86_64.rpm

If the package is already installed, it will be upgraded; if not, it will be installed as a fresh package.

Removing Packages

To remove a package, you can use the -e option (erase):

rpm -e package_name

This command will remove the package from your system.


rpm -e httpd

This removes the Apache HTTP server from your system.

Querying Installed Packages

To view a list of installed packages on your system, you can use the -qa option:

rpm -qa

If you want to search for a specific package, you can use grep with it.


rpm -qa | grep httpd

This will display any installed packages related to Apache HTTP server.

Verifying Packages

Sometimes it’s important to verify whether an installed package has been altered or is still in its original state. Use the -V option for this:

rpm -V package_name


rpm -V httpd

This will check the integrity of the Apache HTTP server package.

Advanced RPM Command Usage

Once you’ve mastered the basic RPM commands, it’s time to explore the advanced features of the rpm command line in Linux.

Installing Packages Without Dependencies

By default, RPM checks for dependencies and prevents installation if dependencies are not met. However, you can bypass this with the --nodeps option:

rpm -i --nodeps package_name.rpm


rpm -i --nodeps custom_package.rpm

Use this option carefully as ignoring dependencies can break your system.

Installing Packages Forcefully

If you want to install a package even if an older version is already present, use the --force option:

rpm -i --force package_name.rpm


rpm -i --force httpd-2.4.6-90.el7.x86_64.rpm

Checking Package Dependencies

You can check the dependencies required by a package using the -qR option:

rpm -qR package_name


rpm -qR httpd

This will list all the packages that the Apache HTTP server depends on.

Querying Package Information

To get detailed information about an installed package, use the -qi option:

rpm -qi package_name


rpm -qi httpd

This command provides details such as the package version, description, build date, and more.

Listing Files Installed by a Package

To list the files that are part of a package, use the -ql option:

rpm -ql package_name


rpm -ql httpd

This will show all files installed by the Apache HTTP server package.

Building RPM Packages

If you are developing software and want to distribute it as an RPM package, you can use the rpmbuild tool.

  • First, prepare the source code and a .spec file.
  • Then use the following command to build the RPM package:
rpmbuild -ba package_name.spec

The .spec file contains information like the package name, version, release, and instructions on how to compile and install the software.

Advanced Examples for System Administrators

For system administrators managing enterprise-level Linux systems, mastering RPM can enhance package management efficiency, troubleshoot dependencies, and automate common tasks. Below are some advanced use cases and examples tailored to system administrators.

1. Creating and Managing a Custom RPM Database

In enterprise environments, managing packages across multiple systems requires the creation of custom RPM databases. This can be helpful when managing packages outside of the standard repositories.

Creating a Custom RPM Database

To create a separate RPM database in a custom directory:

mkdir -p /var/lib/rpmdb/customdb
rpm --initdb --dbpath /var/lib/rpmdb/customdb

Installing Packages to the Custom Database

Once the custom database is initialized, you can install RPM packages into it using the --dbpath option:

rpm -i --dbpath /var/lib/rpmdb/customdb package_name.rpm

Querying Packages from the Custom Database

To list the installed packages in the custom database:

rpm --dbpath /var/lib/rpmdb/customdb -qa

2. Handling RPM Package Dependencies in an Offline Environment

For systems that lack internet connectivity or are in secure environments, resolving package dependencies can be a challenge. One solution is to pre-download all dependencies and install them manually.

Downloading RPM Packages and Dependencies

Use yumdownloader to fetch an RPM package and all its dependencies. This is especially useful if you need to transport packages to an offline system.

yumdownloader --resolve package_name

Installing Downloaded RPMs

Once downloaded, transfer the RPMs to your offline system and install them using the following command:

rpm -ivh *.rpm

This installs the package and its dependencies in one go.

3. Customizing Pre-Install and Post-Install Scripts (Scriptlets)

RPM allows you to automate tasks during package installation through scriptlets. These can be extremely useful in an enterprise environment for automating configuration tasks.

Viewing Scriptlets of an RPM Package

To view the pre-install, post-install, pre-uninstall, or post-uninstall scriptlets:

rpm -qp --scripts package_name.rpm

Adding Scriptlets in Your Own RPM Package

Here’s an example of how to add a scriptlet to an RPM spec file:

echo "Pre-installation script running"

echo "Post-installation script running"

In these scripts, you can automate tasks like starting a service, updating configurations, or performing security tasks after the installation.

4. Verifying Package Integrity Across Multiple Servers

In environments with many servers, it’s crucial to ensure that packages remain consistent and unmodified. Use the rpm -Va command to check the integrity of all installed packages.

Verifying All Installed Packages

This command checks the integrity of all packages by comparing them with their metadata:

rpm -Va

Interpreting the Output

  • Missing files will be marked with “missing”.
  • 5 indicates a checksum mismatch.
  • M denotes that file permissions have changed.

Running Verification Across Multiple Servers with Ansible

Ansible can help automate this process across multiple servers. Here’s an example Ansible playbook:

- name: Verify installed RPM packages on all servers
  hosts: all
    - name: Run RPM verification
      command: rpm -Va
      register: rpm_output

    - name: Display verification results
        var: rpm_output.stdout_lines

This playbook runs rpm -Va on all hosts and outputs the results.

5. Forcing RPM Package Removal While Ignoring Dependencies

Occasionally, you’ll need to force the removal of a package that has dependencies, without uninstalling those dependencies. The --nodeps option allows you to force package removal, ignoring dependencies.

Example Command

rpm -e --nodeps package_name

Caution: This can potentially leave your system in an unstable state, so always use this option carefully.

6. Tracking Down and Fixing RPM Database Corruption

RPM database corruption can lead to package management issues, such as packages not installing correctly or becoming unmanageable. You can resolve these problems by rebuilding the RPM database.

Rebuilding the RPM Database

rpm --rebuilddb

This command reindexes the RPM database and can fix many issues related to corruption.

Verifying Package Integrity After Rebuilding

After rebuilding the database, it’s a good practice to verify all packages to ensure nothing was affected:

rpm -Va

7. Creating a Local RPM Repository

In a large-scale environment, administrators might need to set up their own RPM repository for internal use. This allows you to control which packages and versions are available.

Setting Up a Local RPM Repository

First, create a directory to store the RPM packages:

mkdir -p /var/www/html/repo
cp *.rpm /var/www/html/repo

Next, create the repository metadata using the createrepo tool:

createrepo /var/www/html/repo

Now, you can configure your systems to use this local repository by adding it to their /etc/yum.repos.d/ configuration files.

Example Configuration for /etc/yum.repos.d/local.repo

name=Local RPM Repo

8. Building Custom RPM Packages for Enterprise Deployment

System administrators often need to create custom RPM packages for internal tools and scripts. You can build your own RPMs using rpmbuild.

Setting Up rpmbuild Environment

First, install the required tools:

yum install rpm-build

Next, create the required directory structure:

mkdir -p ~/rpmbuild/{BUILD,RPMS,SOURCES,SPECS,SRPMS}

Writing the Spec File

The .spec file contains the metadata and instructions to build the RPM package. Here’s a basic example:

Name: example-package
Version: 1.0
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: Example custom package for internal use
License: GPL
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz

This is an example package.

%setup -q


make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}


* Thu Oct 5 2023 Admin <admin@example.com> - 1.0-1
- Initial build

Building the Package

Run the following command to build the RPM:

rpmbuild -ba example-package.spec

This generates the RPM and SRPM (Source RPM) files in your RPMS and SRPMS directories, respectively.

9. Auditing RPM Activity for Compliance

For compliance purposes, system administrators may need to track RPM package activities such as installations, removals, or upgrades.

Viewing the RPM Transaction History

You can view RPM transaction logs using the following command:

rpm -qa --last

This will display a list of installed packages along with the date they were installed or upgraded.

Example Output

httpd-2.4.6-90.el7.x86_64             Tue 05 Oct 2023 12:00:00 PM UTC
vim-enhanced-8.0.1763-15.el7.x86_64    Mon 04 Oct 2023 11:45:00 AM UTC

This can be useful for auditing package installations in compliance with security or organizational policies.

10. Using RPM with Automation Tools

In a large-scale environment, RPM package management can be automated using tools like Puppet, Chef, or Ansible. Here’s an example of using Ansible to automate RPM installations.

Automating RPM Installations with Ansible

Here’s a simple Ansible playbook to install an RPM package across multiple servers:

- name: Install RPM package on all servers
  hosts: all
    - name: Install package
        name: /path/to/package_name.rpm
        state: present

This playbook installs the specified RPM on all servers listed in the inventory.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the RPM command line in Linux used for?

The RPM command line in Linux is used for managing software packages on Red Hat-based distributions. It allows you to install, update, remove, query, and verify packages.

Can I install multiple RPM packages at once?

Yes, you can install multiple RPM packages simultaneously by specifying their names separated by a space:

rpm -i package1.rpm package2.rpm

What should I do if an RPM package has unresolved dependencies?

If a package has unresolved dependencies, it’s best to install those dependencies first. Alternatively, you can use yum or dnf package managers which handle dependencies automatically.

How can I check if a specific package is installed on my system?

You can check if a package is installed using the following command:

rpm -qa | grep package_name

Can I verify the integrity of all installed packages at once?

Yes, to verify all installed packages, use the -Va option:

rpm -Va

How do I force the installation of an RPM package?

You can force the installation of a package using the --force option:

rpm -i --force package_name.rpm

What’s the difference between -i and -U in RPM commands?

The -i option installs a package, while -U upgrades the package if it’s already installed, or installs it if not.

RPM Command Line in Linux: A Comprehensive Guide for System Administrators


Mastering the rpm command line in Linux can significantly enhance your ability to manage software on Red Hat-based systems. With its wide range of options, RPM gives system administrators full control over package management. Whether you are installing, upgrading, verifying, or removing packages, knowing how to effectively use RPM will ensure smooth system operations.

By following the commands and examples from basic to advanced in this guide, you can confidently manage packages on your Linux system. Remember to use advanced options like --force and --nodeps with caution, as they can potentially destabilize your system. Thank you for reading the DevopsRoles page!


About HuuPV

My name is Huu. I love technology, especially Devops Skill such as Docker, vagrant, git, and so forth. I like open-sources, so I created DevopsRoles.com to share the knowledge I have acquired. My Job: IT system administrator. Hobbies: summoners war game, gossip.
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